The Gapingvoid Email

Three times a week, we'll send you a thought-provoking illustration about the world of work along with a short snippet of insight. Our emails cover topics like company culture, design thinking, leadership strategies, creating better-functioning teams, navigating the hybrid work environment, and more. They are designed as quick reads to give you insight into working smarter and being more connected to why you do what you do. We also feature guest posts from thought leaders around the world and answer culture questions sent in by our readers. People who enjoy the daily email most are often senior leaders in business, healthcare execs, entrepreneurs, and academics.


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Read our latest posts below:

Better to Burn out Than Fade Away

By Cierra Martin | Aug 28, 2024

It’s that Burning Man time of the year again, when with a predictability you can set your watch to, the internet becomes flooded with the …

Simplicity is Complexity Resolved

By Cierra Martin | Aug 26, 2024

We’re born into chaos, spend our lives seeking order, and die realizing we never had control. This is the human condition. And it’s not hard …

All leaders are politicians. Not all politicians are leaders

By Cierra Martin | Aug 24, 2024

In June 1940, during the darkest period of WWII for the British, Winston Churchill gave his famously defiant “We shall fight them on the beaches” …

The Croesus Trap

By Cierra Martin | Aug 21, 2024

According to the very first story in Herodotus’ Histories (c. 440 BC, the oldest nonfiction book in the Western Canon), King Croesus was the richest …

What Signal Are You Sending?

By Cierra Martin | Aug 16, 2024

Little things matter. A lot. (Or they don’t, until they do).  A year-long study of 450,000 employees across 40 million Zoom meetings revealed a not-so-shocking …

Environment is Leadership

By Cierra Martin | Aug 12, 2024

When talking about architecture, in 1948 Winston Churchill may have said it best: “We shape our buildings; thereafter, they shape us.” Ain’t that the truth? …