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From the ever-thoughtful Paul Graham: “Microsoft is Dead”: He cites four main reasons why Microsoft lost their cultural dominance in the tech sector: 1. Google. …
[Cartoon part of the Microsoft Blue Monster Series. Backstory from Steve and Kris etc.] If you look in the comments of the previous post, you’ll …
[Cartoon part of the Microsoft Blue Monster Series. Backstory from Steve and Kris etc.] So, what does it feel like to be working for Microsoft? …
[ “Art Money”. Part of the Blue Monster Series. Backstory from Steve and Kris etc.] I’m pleased to announce that I have a new client. …
GigaOm gives us a pretty succinct list of reasons why traditional brand marketing in Second Life is failing to take off. It’s a good list …
Readers of gapingvoid will be pleased to know that yes, I’m keeping up with my weightlifting regime. Yes, there is definite progress. Yes, it seems …